
1DCLI Memorabilia 1953-1957 & beyond.

Photos (photo above from Ernie Smith's collection), Stories, Memoirs and Anecdotes from 1DCLI soldiers of the 1953-1957 era and later, reflecting on their fond memories of Bodmin, Plymouth and Caribbean soldiering events past; together with snapshots of their personal journeys to the present day. Also a visual search platform for memory triggers for identification of long lost mates. Send your photos and stories now. Photo entries are not necessarily date sequential, as regular contributors are getting very active and emailing more recently taken photos after catching up with "Old" Mates - which is exactly what the website is designed to do. So don't get confused - just browse and have a laugh and ponder on your contribution that you are ready to make -? This Google site will take hundreds of files - so (GOYA) - Get Off Your AL-BUMs - Cheps -and email! Email: Editor Derek Lovemore

For a Memoriale listing kindly forward to the editor the full name and relevant details of any personally known former 1DCLI soldier now deceased.


John Allsop 2006, Bob Barrett 1981, Ivor Barrett 2005, Fred Beatie, M Bicknell 2001, Roy 'Wally' Birch 2007, Steve Carne 2006, Dennis Churcher 1997, Melvin Cobb 2004, Bob Cook 2006, Ray Culverwell 2007, Ted Davis 1988, Francis Drake (Lt) 1968, Ron Delap (RSM) 2008, Terry Dyer 2007, Godfrey Edwards (Colour Sgnt 1DCLI, SCLI, LI,) 1994, Vernon "Bill" Edwards 2009, Andrew Gendall (2nd Batt) 2008, Stan Gilbert 2006, Frederick 'George' Gillet 2006, Paul Grange (Sgnt) 2005, Jeff Harvey 2007, Joe Hichens (2nd Batt. Greece) 1993, Richard 'Delabole Dick' Hill 2001, Laurence "Hoppy" Hopkins (Sgt 1KSLI, Malaya) 2003, Mike Jenkins 2005, Bernard Lark 2006, Rendall Maddern (Belize) 1955, David Madron 2004, David Marks, 2007, John Anthony Marsh (Major) 1984, Claud Marsden (CSM) 2001, Billy Matthews 1987, John Matthews (2nd Batt Greece) 1986, Ken Mitchell (Belize) 1990, Peter Morris 2005, Tony Nicholls 2005, Frank Norris 2008, John (Jan) Passmore (Capt) 2000, Henry John "Harry" Patch 2009, Jack Pender (Lt) 2004, Bill Perry (5th Batt), Ernie Perry (4th Batt), Tom Pollard (2nd Batt Greece), Brian Ponder 2007, Donald Puckey 2007, Graham Richards 2007, Trevelyan Richards (2nd Batt. Greece, Valiant Coxswain Penlee) 1981, Bill Richmond 1998, Brian Rose 2005, John A M Rutter (Lt) 2008, Ernie Sargeant 2007, Ernie Smith 2008, D G (Bert) Sowden 2008, Leonard Sullivan (SCLI) 2007, Fred Thomas 2007, Peter Tippett 2008, Philip Trelawney (lt. Col.) 1998, Everett Treneer (MT Sgnt 2nd Batt Greece), S Trewhella 2002, Fred Walker 2007, Rex Trevor Wallis 2009, John Wardle 2000, Maurice 'Winker' Watson (SCLI) 2007, Sam Wearn 2006, Derek Weston 2004, Barry White 2006, Ken Williams 2007, Tony Wills 1993, Barry Winterbottom 2007, Ray Woods 1982,


We are moving with the fast changing times of the Internet - Cheps - and have hooked into 'You Tube' to display selections of video and music clips that are selectively chosen by your Mates from Bermuda times. You can participate/browse by 'mouseover and click' any of the following underlined, bolded hotlinked Blog Pages. You might also wish to place a 'Comment' on the 1DCLI Blog Page.


Also check out "A" Company 1DCLI, Prospect Garrison, Bermuda.




An alphabetical Roll of Subscribers is shown hereto

#23434335 (Cpl) Rex Brain: Intake 47 Bodmin Depot - 1957, Osnabruck - 1961

#22679146 Jack Calloway. Intake 5th June 1952, Bodmin, Minden - 1954

#23002621 (Cpl) Barry Cornish (Corny): Intake 1954 Bodmin Depot - 1956

#22888377 (L/Cpl) William (Bill) Eaton: Bodmin, Minden, Plymouth, Bermuda. 1953 - 1955.

#229351** (L/Cpl) Vernon Edwards (Bill): Intake 1953 Bodmin Depot - 5th Nov 1953

#22936831 Bugler John James Goddard: Intake Nov 1953 KSLI Depot - 5th Nov 1955

#22935147 (L/Cpl) John Griffin (Griff): Intake Nov 1953 Bodmin Depot - 5th Nov 1955

#2331**** Jim Kelly: Intake 19 Bodmin Depot - 1954 - 1956. More details to be advised.

#22935157 (Cpl) Derek JK Lovemore: Intake Nov 1953 Bodmin - 5th Nov 1955, (Editor).

#22679171 (Cpl) John Madron (Jack): Intake 5th June 1952 Bodmin - 4th July 1955

#22876873 (Cpl) Alan Mitchell (Mitch): 12th Intake 1953 Bodmin 1955. More details to be advised.

#22876874 (Cpl) William Oates (Bill): Intake July 1953 Bodmin Depot - July 1955

Robert Smith (civilian), son of Sgnt Ernie Smith (RIP), Haifa, Bodmin, Kingston

#23120948 (L/Cpl) Tom Strike: Intake 26 Bodmin Depot - 1955 - 1957

#24351760 (WO1) Donald Swanson: 2LI. More service details to be advised

#22920403 Neil Swanson (Swanny): Intake 15 Bodmin Depot on 17th Sept 1953 - Sept 1955

Pte Geoffrey Tremain: Details to be advised (16th Jan 2007)

Vince Woods (civilian), son of (Cpl) Raymond Woods (RIP) #23319589 Intake June 1956 - June 1959


Bodmin Depot, the first glimpse of home for 10 weeks for many young National Servicemen of the year 1953. The Editor was one such fresh faced young bloke, and the memories today (December 2006) are as fresh and clear as if it all happened yesterday. This web site is offered to the many surviving 1DCLI soldiers of yesteryear who care to reconstruct those adventurous times by cross communicating by email and Blog Comments, in the hope that old friends and comrades can be re-discovered. The evolving Blog Pages and Light Infantry Guestbooks that are linked to this page, offer great opportunities to tell your story, recall those challenging times, and assist many family members of the younger generations, to find out more about "Dad's, Uncle's, Grandfather's" military history and DCLI service. We are not a research service for military records, but rather a link to the past, where the living, who are now in their '70's and 80's can record their part in 1DCLI history. This famous Regiment - as are many others - has been merged again and again within the re-construction of the modern British Army, but to many of us, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ("The Dukes") will remain firmly in our memory as we vividly picture our sailing, that dank and dismal evening of 19th February 1954, on HMT Empire Clyde from Liverpool Docks, bound for the West Indies. Remember the Band playing "Now is the hour"? Could the Irish Sea ever have been more rough? So GOYA !! you "Old Soldiers" and make the effort to build a memorable record of our youth. Dig into your photo albums and climb into the attic to retrieve your memorabilia. Web technology today makes it all very simple. Even if your old photos are tattered and torn, bent and faded, we can fix 'em. Just GOYA!! Use the published photos and captions to trigger long forgotten escapades and names, and fond memories, and wishful thoughts for "The Good Old Days".

"We do not merit glory until we know the value of time" (Marquis de Vauvenargues).

"A" Company 1DCLI circa 1954, Prospect Garrison, Devonshire Bermuda with the outgoing CO Major 'Toots' Williams and new CO Major Tony Marsh. 140 odd blokes in this photo with some notable absences (at the time) and now (2008) many sadly have passed on. Contributions from the Jamaica contingent are beginning to flow. Disappointingly though, many of the surviving "A" Company lads in the above photo are still unable to GOYA! Give it a go lads and share those old memories and photos with your Old Mates who would love to hear from you.


RSM's of our Caribbean period. These are the best photos so far, that are available. An appeal is out to all former 1DCLI and SCLI to forward publishable photos of these 2 fine men, under whom it was a privilege to serve at various times. The photo of Jan Passmore is cropped from a larger group photo taken at Osnabruck entitled 'the last Mess photo of the DCLI 1959 ' supplied by Rex Brain. The photo of Harold Royffe is cropped from a 1954 Hamilton, Bermuda landing parade photo supplied by Swanny.


News clippings of the Freedom of Bodmin event and laying up of the Colours kindly send in by Barry Cornish. Thanks Barry for your efforts. Neil Swanny Swanson was also in attendance with several other 1DCLI'ians of our era and attempted to promote the scant coverage with other media avenues, without success. Sad that such an historical event for our famous Regiment should pass without more honourable mention. Ah Well! - "Nulle Illegitomo Carborundum". A few days on the Bodmin rifle range would gain some respect!

(Copyright of 3 above photos attributed to Bodmin City Council) Lifted from the Light Infantry website showing more views of the Freedom Parade. (Left) Town Clerk, P O'Callaghan, reads the Freedom Scroll, (Centre) Band of 'The Rifles' leads the Freedom Parade through the Town, (Right) St Petrocs Church Bodmin.

(Left) Old Comrades with Standards. Photo courtesy of Mike Scott. http://www.lightinfantry.org.uk/regiments/rifles/rifles_bodmin.htm

The URL above is part of the Light Infantry websites which are webmastered by Keith Petvin Scudamore (ex SCLI). More Bodmin Parade photos taken by Mike Scott can be seen here. This collection of sites also offers Guestbook and Message facilities that are an important method of communication for Old Soldiers and Families. Feel free to make regular use of them in your searches for Old Mates.

Thank You Keith for permission to use these photographs.

Sept 26th 2007: More photos from Neil Swanson below: (Left) Ex RSM David Rose SLI speaking to BBC reporter at Bodmin Freedom Parade and (Right) DCLI West Cornwall Assn Members posed with 2 young local Cornish lads from 1st and 2nd Light Infantry. Standing from lhs Keith Mannings, Frank Baxter, Terry Simons, Nobby Clarke, B Richards, Peter Male, Dennis Wilton. Swanny reports on the fantastic camaraderie at the event and that many Old Mates enjoyed the good company and discussion about old times.

Below are 6 photos from Neil "Swanny' Swanson and Doris Swanson, taken at the Armistice Parade in Penzance on Sunday 11th November 2007:

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them"


Donald Swanson, son of Neil "Swanny" Swanson has provided an interesting piece of history for our website. "Some years back in Gibraltar, those regiments which had 'Gibraltar' as a Regimental Battle Honour, had their Regimental identity turned into mosaic images which graced the floor of the city centre Piazza (an open square or public place in a city or town, esp. in Italy) . Sadly on my most recent visit to Gib. I found that these symbols of regimental pride have given way to more commerce based interests (no surprise there then!). However, rummaging through my photo archives last night I came across a copy of the DCLI mosaic which I photographed way back in 1979!

This image may have some value in the hearts of those who know more about the origins of the placing of the mosaics than I, and for that reason I am sharing image with you so that you can do likewise with your wider audience of likeminded contacts. With regards, Donald Swanson".

Further from Donald Swanson, son of Neil "Swanny" Swanson who writes "My daughter Amanda was the last Light Infantry badged person to be educated at the Duke of York's Royal Military School in Dover (DOYRMS) Amanda attended the school for eight years and reached the rank of Warrant Officer prior to graduating in July 2006. Amanda is now reading Law at Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University on her LLB (Hons) course. During the course of her studies at DOYRMS the Light Infantry Association kindly helped sponsor her on a 6 week command and leadership venture in Vietnam under the auspices of the World Challenge Expeditions." (Photo above right) From proud father Neil Swanny Swanson - son Donald with Long Service Medal. Congrats Donald. Below: Photos relayed from Swanny from the collection of son Donald Swanson. Lower left Gibralter 1980, Centre Inche Donald Swanson in Brunei, right Ladies night - Don with a debutante circa 1990/'91

The Solomon Browne Penlee Lifeboat coxswained by one of our own, Trevelyan Richards, tragically lost with all hands on 19th December 1981. See BBC Sea Sense. We learned only a few days ago that Trevelyan Richards served with the 2nd Battalion DCLI in Greece, with Joe Hichens, cousin to Neil Swanny Swanson. We feel it a fitting tribute to memorialise our 2 DCLI comrades and the entire valiant crew of the Solomon Browne and the crew of the Union Star. More from Swanny - A US Navy pilot who was on loan service to the RN flew the SAR Wessex Helicopter from RNAS Culdrose as co-pilot, filmed the whole rescue exercise and he said he had never before flown in such horrendous conditions at 125 mph winds. He said God only knows how they ever launched the lifeboat! Trevelyan what a man! The filming shows his bravery. He managed to get two off the Union Star and went again to try and get the others off the ship, alas to no avail! The lifeboat went right onto the deck and the the end was inevitable. When we first got the DCLI Association started we had over 200 members and Trev (nicknamed Whackers) never missed our get-togethers unless he was at sea as a skipper of a deep sea trawler. What a man - what a character. RIP


(Photo left) From Bill Eaton taken at the recent Colours Ceremony at Bodmin. Left to right, Dennis Wilton, Terry Simons, Billy Mitchell, Reg Norris, Bert Angwin, C Prior. Thanks Bill.

(Photo right) Forwarded on Monday 26th November 2007, taken at the funeral of Don Puckey at Bodmin, Jim Kelly to Swanny's left is to forward other names. Our condolences to Don's Family, we would have loved to have heard from Don during happier times to gain his contributions to our websites. Don was a good friend and soldier mate to all of us in Bermuda. RIP Don.

(Above) "A" Company 1DCLI Hamilton Bermuda circa 1954


John (Griff) Griffin 1DCLI 1953 - 1955 has contributed the following photographs

(Left) John and Jenny Griffin remodelling the Wild West at Brean circa 2006. Griff was one of the first 1DCLI mates of the 1953 Bodmin Intake to get in touch with Editor and supply many old photos and recollections of our glorious past! Griff is in touch with Dave Beck, Graham Bradshaw and Vernon (Bill) Edwards in Canada - so hopefully in 2007 we'll see more developments from the ex-Brissol lads. Griff is shifting property residence early '07 from Brissol to Somerset. (Right) John and Jenny getting the Darwin sun in OZ circa 1995 (Check that Griff!). Wish you were here!

Photos from Swanny Swanson and Johnny Griffin: 52 years on and still smiling!! These 3 "Old Mates" from 3 Platoon 1DCLI, Prospect Barracks Hamilton Bermuda met up for the first time together since 1955. Above left: Swanny and Griff at St Michaels Mount. Photo left: Swanny left, Terry Simons centre and Johnny "Griff" Griffin to the right, got together in Penzance in early June 2007. First comment made by Swanny when Griff exited his car was "Didn't remember you being that tall!" (Griff is 5' 6"). Griff and Swanny are in regular contact with Editor in Brisbane and are regular contributors to the growing DCLI websites. Terry Simons has reportedly, some more great photos to send for our "A" Company site. Well done cheps, good effort and great comradeship. Let's not forget the wives either! - thanks ladies for your support, where would the blokes be without you? Above right: L to R, Doris Swanson, Johnny Griffin, Jenny Griffin, taken at Swanny's place in Penzance June 2007.

"Jesse James" Griff Griffin and his Gang at the annual Cowboys Event at Brean in Somerset where Johnny Griffin and Jenny keep the locals in order. Did you do a quick change for the photos Griff. Taken June 2007


Neil (Swanny) Swanson 1DCLI 1953 - 1955 has contributed the following photographs

(Left ) West Cornwall, South Cornwall and Truro Branch Banners of the DCLI Association teams paraded at Shrewsbury 2006. All 9 pictures (left and below) accredited to Neil "Swanny" Swanson 1DCLI 1953-1955. Bodmin Depot, Crownhill Barracks Plymouth, HMT Empire Clyde to Hamilton Bermuda on 19th February 1954, 3 Platoon "A" Company, Prospect Barracks, Devonshire. More of Swanny on "A" Company Bermuda 1954-1957 (hotlink). CLICK ALL PHOTOS TO ENLARGE.

Light Infantry Weekend June 2005 - Bugles of the Light Infantry entertaining LI Association Members & Guests

(Picture right) LI Weekend June 2005. (L to R) Terry Joll ex - RSM SCLI, Neil "Swanny" Swanson 1DCLI, Nobby Clarke 1DCLI, Mike Sadler RAOC, Terry Male "B" Coy 1DCLI Jamaica, Gordon Causely KRRC, Dennis Wilton "E" Coy 1DCLI Belize, ? SCLI.

(Picture above left) Swanny Swanson (front right) and 1DCLI Mates, taken at Shrewsbury 2006, Light Infantry Weekend gathering. Dickie Dyer (RIP) and Nobby Clark in there also. Terry (Dickie) Dyer passed away 25th January 2007. Funeral held in Bodmin Friday 2nd Feb. (Picture to immediate right): Mates attending Dickie's funeral (from left) M. Vigus SCLI, Neil Swanson 1DCLI, Unknown, Mark Ware 1DCLI Bugler, Unknown, Unknown, Nobby Clarke 1DCLI. Terry Dyer served with 1DCLI in Bermuda 1954 - 1955, where he returned quite recently for a re-union and is mentioned on the website bermuda-online (British Army). Terry was a train driver on GWR and BR for 30 years and lived in London for some of his working life. While there he became interested in rugby and joined the London Cornish Rugby Club. He was known to everyone as "Janner" and his interest in the sport took him to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand in support of the British Lions. He had a full involvement with the DCLI and LI Association as Hon. Sec. of the Bodmin Branch. Bearers were fellow LI Association members with bugler and standard bearer and a Guard of Honour formed by friends from the DCLI, the London Cornish Rugby Club and the St Austell Rugby Club. Our condolences to Dickie's Family and all his Mates who enjoyed his company over the years.

(Picture right) DCLI Association Lucknow Dinner 2006 at Marazion Restaurant, Penzance. (Left to Right) Standing: B Ponder, C Pryor, Nobby Clarke, R Norris, Clarence Pryor, A Collins, B Fox, B Angwin, Major P Mitchell, (President West Cornwall Branch LI Association), Seated: Neil Swanson, D Barrett, P Tippett, Frank Baxter (Hon Sec), Terry Joll. Many of the lads have Bermuda time behind 'em, Editor will attempt ID on 1DCLI 1954-1957 Prospect Garrison, Devonshire in due course.

Just in (8th & 9th Feb '07) from Swanny. Photo left was taken at last Armistice before the parade in Penzance. Photo of Marine Steven Howes and Cpl Ben Quick who is serving with 40 Commando in Devon. Ben recently returned from Afganistan and Iraq. Both of these men were in my Outward Bound section in the RM Cadets when I was there as their Sergeant Instructor while I was serving in RM Reserve. Steven Howes is now a police officer serving in the Met Police. Both these men have made me a very proud man !!!

(Photo right) This is Nobby Clarke at The Armistice Parade in Penzance the last time he carried The Light Infantry Standard before his last heart attack. Nobby has carried our Standard for the last twenty years all over Cornwall and every year at The Light Infantry Weekend at Shrewsbury. What a loyal member to our Branch he has been.


Below: This is photo of DCLI veteran from 5th Bn DCLI one of the few who survived the Battle of Hill 112 in Normandy1944. What a gentleman!! I met him at LI Reunion at Shrewsbury 2005. This picture is Bob Jones and his Son taken at Arramanche in France at Memorial Parade for N Vets Association. (Thanks to Neil Swanson for photo).


CONGRATULATIONS to Doris and Neil Swanson: 50th Wedding Anniversary (Sept 8th 2006)

L to R Donald my second son was the Chief Clerk WO1 with the 2 Battalion The Light Infantry and served for 24 years. He is now a police officer serving in Aberdeen. Daughter Lesley, Me Swanny, My wife Doris, My eldest Son Alistair, My youngest Daughter Moira who now lives near Dublin in Ireland. Doris And I have seven grandchildren ages from 29 years oldest youngest is 9 and great grandaughter who is 2+half Not bad going for a Pastie Man !!!

(Ed) Thanks Swanny - let's see if any of the Bermuda fraternity can beat your memorable family numbers, best that I can do is 4 grandchildren - eldest 9.


Two photographs and captions below contributed by Neil (Swanny) Swanson April 2007

This is a presentation of an engraved DCLI tankard to Nobby Clarke for his services as Standard Bearer for the DCLI and LI Association, West Cornwall Branch, by the President, Major Peter GB Mitchell TD. Nobby has had to retire due to poor health having had major surgery just before Christmas 2006 and again quite recently, but is now making good progress. Nobby's Presentation took place in conjunction with the AGM of our Branch at the Station House Restaurant Marazion. Many Members attended with Wives and Friends which concluded with a buffet meal. A good time was had by all.

Members attending the AGM and Nobby Clarke's Presentation. Front Row: L/R, Terry Joll, Frank Baxter (Sec & Hon Treasurer), W (Bill) Mitchell, Neil Swanson, Peter Tippett (seated). Centre Row: L/R, M. Harry, Peter Mitchell, B. Angwin, John Reardon, Fred Weston, A. Tonkin, Peter Rule, C. Pryor, Barry Cornish, Roy Morris. Rear Row: L/R, Terry Simons, Bobby Fox, Dennis Barratt, (cousin to Ivor Barratt RIP), D. Wilton, Nobby Clarke. Frank Baxter is now 85 and Bert Angwin is 87; both soldiers served with distinction in WW2 and are the backbone of the Branch. They are Life Members. Frank and Bert have been poorly during the last year, but they soldier on with a happy smile and are a credit to our esteemed Regiment.

Latest picture from Swanny taken during his Eire holiday in April 2007 and supportive comments and local updates to Editor.

This is picture of me in Fitzgerald's Pub. The pub was the main focal point in the BBC series of Ballykissangel in the 1980's. This is in the Wicklow area of Ireland, a very lovely part of the country. We went on a coach tour which is a the best way to travel as you observe more of the surroundings than driving by car. Had phone call from John (Johnny Griffin) last evening thanks to you giving him my phone number. We had a lovely chat talking about old times together. He and his wife Jenny are coming to Newquay in May and he is hoping to come and visit Doris and I. That would be lovely to meet up after all these years. I gave him Terry Simons' phone number and he will contact him. He was on the phone for good half hour. He said he had phoned Bill Edwards in Canada and was surprised he had such a Canadian accent he also said that you also had a broad Australian accent!!! He said for me to ring you sometime so I could hear it for myself. He was surprised that my Cornish accent was still so strong!!! I reminded him that it was over 52 years since we were together in Bermuda. Nobby Clarke and Bob Fox went to Sgt. Fred Thomas' Funeral last week and represented us all on behalf of "A"Coy Bermuda. His wife Dot gave them all a kiss and thanked them all for the Guard Of Honour on behalf of the DCLI that attended the Funeral. There were no hymns at the Service but Fred was taken into the church with a recording of DCLI Regimental March and was played out of church with The Last Post and Sunset. This ceremony took place in Newquay.


Swanny reports a sad gathering on Wednesday 2nd May at the funeral of Mrs Gloria Jenkins, surviving wife of Mike Jenkins RIP. Included in the mourners, were Swanny, Nobby Clarke, Bob Fox and 3 DCLI Bandsmen mates of Mike Jenkins (who died in March 2005). Bandsman Nott, Cpl Stallard and C/Sgnt Denny Allen (LI Depot Shrewsbury '71-'79) were all Mike's mates. Mike played rugby on visiting occasions in Bermuda with Swanny and Ivor Barratt. Mike Jenkins was also Secretary of the West Cornwall DCLI Association for some time. Swanny and Doris often met Gloria in Penzance and they remarked upon her cheerfulness in the face of her illness. Our condolences to the Jenkins Family and all DCLI friends.


Swanny has emailed more sad news today (19/5/07) that Brian Ponder has passed away. He had been unwell for some considerable time and will be sorely missed by all DCLI mates, particularly the DCLI West Cornwall Association which he supported over the recent years. Brian served with us all in "A" Company, Bermuda. Our condolences to Family and Friends.


Photo just in from Swanny Swanson taken on Open Day at Bodmin Sunday 16th June 2007. Left is Lt Corringham, 3 Platoon Commander in Bermuda next to Lt Jeremy Hooper of Bermuda times also, with Neil Swanson. Swanny reports having a good chat about rugby with Major 'Toots" Williams our 1st C.O. of "A" Company in 1954. Neil also met up with good mate Cpl Curly Wotten, 1DCLI Bugler, who mentioned 3 Platoon favourably, being billeted in the barracks below us - reminiscing from those times when the Band visited Bermuda. A good time was had by all, recalling those well remembered days of our youth. Apart from the bad weather (in Bodmin) of course!

Photo (left) supplied by Swanny taken at Bodmin June 2007. Left to Right: Guest, Keith Derek 1 Platoon, Bugler Cpl Bob Wotton, Barry Cornish. Right: Swanny in Scotland July 2007 - keeping warm? Neil also advise that he's hot on the trail to contact Roy Westbrook and photos from Terry Simons


Photos below from Neil Swanny Swanson on the occasion of the laying up of The Colours at Bodmin, September 13th 2007

Photo (left) of myself, Bill Eaton, Keith Mannings at Parade in Bodmin, Also (right) photo of our 1DCLI Bermuda C.O. Major Toots Williams and Frank Baxter our Branch Secretary. The colours of 1LI were being laid up in Shire Hall in Bodmin today. We the Branches marched behind the Band and Bugles of the new Rifles through Bodmin representing the DCLI; there were hundreds of the public lining the streets and gave us a wonderful reception. All the media were there, BBC, ITV, and Radio Cornwall, The finale to the day was Beating Retreat at Bodmin football ground also with several hundreds of the public to watch the Spectacle. Terry Simons, Keith Mannings, Frank Baxter, and Nobby Clarke accompanied me. Brigadier Gage Williams has published a tribute to his father Major "Toots" Williams which we link here with permission of the British Light Infantry website and for which we thank the Brigadier, echoing our memories of the Major while he was our C.O. for "A" Company 1DCLI, Prospect Garrison Bermuda in 1954.


(Photos in from Swanny Swanson) taken Sunday 30th September 2007 at the Buffet Lunch at the Sandy Lodge Newquay on the occasion of the Autumn Lunch gathering of the Truro DCLI Association. Over to Swanny to provide names to faces to all those wonderful DCLI folk having a great time. Thanks Swanny.

Photo left taken last year at Branch Dinner at Sandy Lodge Newquay in March 2007. L to R: Doris, John Allsops daughter, Johns Widow , Derek Laurence and wife in background David Cox and wife in the background, Swanny. More photos below of the DCLI Association Truro Branch Christmas Luncheon in November 2007: Names in group photos - Left to Right, Stan Reynolds, Gwyn Nicholls, Laurence Weeks, Swanny, M. Bryant, S. Roberts, P. Kent, F. Lean, Nobby Clarke, D. Cock, A. Launder, B. Tyack, T. Joll. Centre photo of trio shows Nobby and I taken with guest who was in the Gloucester Regt. in Korea. He comes to this Xmas do every year, his mate in Korea was a Cornishman who was originally in the DCLI.



Editor here Cheps! I'm sure you'll agree that the following is an appropriate place to lodge this updated piece of news - 'cos it's not exactly "A" Company stuff for posting to that site, where I have hotlinked John Goddard's name . John J Goddard, 1DCLI Bugler, "HQ" and "B" Companies, Jamaica, now has his Memoirs published that includes many photographs, including one of Bugler Mark Ware, pictured left on a lazy Jamaica Sunday morning in 1954. This Memorabilia connection provided the link as Mark is pictured with Swanny on 2nd February 2007 at Dickie Dyer's funeral (gathering displayed above). John Goddard and his wife Sheila live less than 1 hour from Brisbane on Queensland's Gold Coast, and he and I, with our ladies, had a fine lunch on Sunday 27th May, where I collected all his memorabilia to publish his Memoirs.


(Left) And you thought that Long John Silver was a figment of Robert Louis Stevenson's imagination! Editor being shat upon (what's new from Bermuda days?) by the rosella parrot at O'Reilly's in the Gold Coast Hinterland March 2006. (Right) Vernon (Bill) Edwards slumming it on his boat on the Peachlands Lake Canada. circa 2006.


(Published March 2007) Courtesy Alan Mitchell - Bodmin Re-Union 2005: Will get Alan to re-send photo to remove text obliterations. Rear rank: T. Berich, Fred Philips, J. Reardon, T. Nichols, (One more name needed Alan!) Centre rank: J. Gilbert, D. Wooldridge, B. Lark. Front rank: Neil "Swanny" Swanson, Alan Mitchell, P. Trethake. Photo now republished on our latest "1DCLI Memorabilia Supplementary Pages" website.

(Above) Sgt Cook's Squad in training at DCLI Bodmin Depot July 1953 Intake

LH Photo: Standing from lhs: Bill Oates, (Unknown), Mitchell, Dawe, Cook. Kneeling from lhs: Hendy, Mayo,Truscott. RH photo: Bill Oates standing 2nd from lhs - remainder require some ID's - so get with it you blokes - GOYA!!

WWI Memorabilia

Bill Oates has kindly forwarded this WW1 Postcard sent by his father to Family at that time. Thanks Bill. The reverse of the card reads, "Dear Mother a card celebrating the different battles which we boys have been in. Don't lose it Mother as it is a difficult job to get such a card"


(Back): Ptes. Turner, Ford, Hunt, Rosevear, Bennetts, Matthews, Gallie, Hobbs, Pope, Trethewey, Burt. (Centre): Ptes. Brown, Kelly, Grist, Mewton, Trudgeon, Pryor, Smell, Carlyon, Peters, Mottram, Blewett, Marshall. (Front): Ptes. Fielding, Trudgeon, Hazlehurst, Masters, Cpl Harden, Sgt Turner, Cpl Perring, Ptes. Race, Churcher, Lutwych, Elliott

Group Photograph of the 19th Intake at Bodmin Depot kindly supplied by Jim Kelly. Jim advises that all the lads above served in Bermuda.

Recent photo of Jim Kelly and son Dave at a DCLI Regimental function. Jim has kindly contributed many Bermuda 1954 - 1956 photographs, mainly of 4 Platoon lads and Sgnt Fred Thomas (RIP). Several of which have been edited and published on the "A" Company site, the remainder will be posted in due course. The site/s are growing daily now with comments and photos starting to flood in - so hereto an appeal for all 1DCLI Mates of the Bermuda era to contribute, and to also post comments on the related Blog pages. John Tenniswood and Editor are having a fine time posing anecdotes, jokes and weaponry quizzes to each other and we'd like some fresh blood (so to speak!!) Tempus Fugit lads!!

Tom Strike of 4 Platoon "A" Company 1DCLI Prospect Garrison Bermuda 1954-1956 is recently (July 2007) in touch with Editor in Brisbane and Keith Mannings in Frome. Pictured left: Driver Tom Strike at Weymouth Camp Dorset in 1958. The Annual Camp of 4/5 Battalion "D" Coy DCLI (T.A.) . Tom served 6 years in the T.A. resigning in 1964. Tom now lives in South Australia - since 1975 - about 120 kms into the country from Adelaide and is contactable via this Editor Thanks Tom for your photo left. See Tom's other photo posted to the "A" Company site.


Photo above left taken at DCLI Museum Bodmin on 24th June 2007. Harry Patch signing "The last fighting Tommy" for Rex and Phyllis Brain: Above Right: Osnabruck Farewell Parade 1959. Both from Rex Brain.


(Cpl?) Raymond Woods #23319589 Intake June 1956. Son Vince Woods has forwarded Ray's picture and some brief details so far (more to come soon) in the hope that someone, somewhere can respond and fill in more details. Vince seems to recall that Ray was in 3" mortar platoon, which in the Editor's opinion would have placed him in either of the Jamaican bases or possibly Belize, during our Caribbean posting. The Rifle Company ("A" Company) posted to Prospect Garrison, Bermuda was equipped only with 2" mortars. Ray died in 1982 (RIP).

This inquiry for Ray is a brilliant example of how the Blog and Guestbook pages can be made to work. Within 72 hours of Vince's first postings, we have been able to receive an emailed old photo of Ray (taken we presume at Bodmin - out of sight of Sgt Cook!! - at the slope arms and with fag!), doctored it to a better tonal quality, and publish it here. We'll gradually add more photos and details as information flows from Vince.

In the meantime, follow the hotlink below to peruse extracts from Hugo White's "One and All" to locate the postings of the various Companys of 1DCLI during the Caribbean era. http://lightinfantry.wordpress.com/2006/11/15/first-time-test-blog/ We are publishing approved "Caribbean" references to assist in research for the era.


Below: Minden 1952. Back row l to r: Kellow, ?, ?, ?, Whiskey Morgan, Jack Madron, ?, Mid Row: ?, ?, ?, John Evans, ?, Blackmoor, Maunder. Front row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Cpl Carling, ?, ?.

Above and below are 16 photographs from John (Jack) Madron, Cpl Machine Gun Platoon, Support Company 1DCLI, Bodmin, Minden, Plymouth, Jamaica. John advises - I was 1 Section Cmdr, Sgt John (Dutchy) Holland's driver in Germany. Platoon Cmdr was Lt Tim Hodder. 2 Section Cmdr was Sgt Dick Oram. In Jamaica our Platoon Cmdr was Lt Peter Row.

Above left: Val Buscombe, Trevor Richards, Centre: Wally Welch, John Madron, Don MacLean, Roy Morris, Right David Johnson, Whiskey Morgan, (?) Ivor Penhaligan

Above left: Val Buscombe, Roy Morris, John Madron, Centre: From top - Sgt Dutchy Holland, Lt Peter Row, Sgt Dick Oram, Cpls Cook, Southwarth. Ptes Madron, Basher, (?), MacLean, Kelloway, Barrett, (?), Thompson, Baker, (?), (?), (?), Cpl Fisher, Ptes Johnson, Andrews, Penhaligan, (?), Right: Len Nicholls (Lt Hodder's driver), David Johnson, (D.R.)

Above left: Dunn's River Falls, Centre: Cpl Madron (a few minutes taken off from Coy Orderly Sgnt), Empire Clyde, location unknown (postcard from onboard Feb 1954)

Above left: Cpl Tony Downing, Cpl John Madron. Centre: Live firing at Port Royal (Fort Charles in background), Right: Cpl Tony Downing.

Above left: Sgnt Ron Delap RIP, Cpl Tony Downing, Assault Pioneer Platoon, Cpl David Johnson, Cpl John Madron MMG Platoon. Centre: Reunion at Bodmin, Dutchy Holland, Bill Kellaway, John Madron, (?) also MMG Platoon, Right: Flag Staff Port Royal.


Below: Intake 18 Bodmin depot 1954 - thanks to Trevor Webb


Jack Calloway 22679146: 5th June 1952 Intake

Below: A collection of photographs from Jack covering the period Bodmin - Minden - DCLI & KSLI

Above left: Jack Calloway Minden 1952 showing 6th Armoured shoulder flash. Centre: Harry Lyme & Jack Calloway Minden '52-'53. Above right: Minden Mess photo showing Roy Morris, Jack Calloway, Mel Cobb (RIP)

Above Top left: French bren gun carrier at Hamunder, Ruhr. Above bottom left: 3" Mortar squad, Above right: 5th June 1952 Intake Bodmin Depot. Below left: Jack & Dave Saunders on QL truck, Minden 1952. Below centre left: French Foreign Legion Band & Bugles, Hamunder Ruhr 1952. Below centre right: Best Rifle Shot of the Intake 1952. Below right: Minden Barracks

(Additional ID's in group photo above: Marshall Tamblyn seated on right front row - he was Jack's close mate from Pelynt Near Looe, Cornwall, Seated front row left is John Dunn, - his father was RSM (DCLI) in Mogadishu and was killed while fighting along with many casualties - date about 1947-8.

Above left: Jack's KSLI membership Certificate, Centre"B" Company 1DCLI Minden 1952. Right: JC & HL Ski training Germany

(Editor) We are hoping to obtain an improved rendition of the "B" Company photo above.



"The One and All Club" WHERE ARE THEY NOW?


Reproduced from The West Briton and Royal Cornwall Gazette, April 23rd 1953

News cutting forwarded by Geoffrey Tremain (Front Row lhs). Caption transposed from original.

Major JA Tresawna, DSO of 1st Battalion Durham Light Infantry, part of the Commonwealth Division has formed a "One and All" Club for Cornishmen in Korea. He writes "They are making a name for themselves there, as they have done all over the world, everyone is happy, cheerful and in great heart". The forty members of the One and All Club include Pte Dunstan of 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, Penryn.

Back Row: Cpl Bryan Whittaker, Falmouth: Pte Barry Bailey, Penzance: Pte George Sandy, St. Germains: Pte Richard Pascoe, Mullion: Pte Vernon Day, Luxulyan: Pte Peter Penna, Goonhavern: Pte Frank Tregilas, St. Austell:

Third Row: Pte Donald Semmens, St. Just: Pte Walter Kent, St. Merryn: L/Cpl Gordon Avery, Truro: Pte C Hodges, Mylor: Pte Claude Denford, Bude: Pte Kenneth Johns, Illogan Highway: Cpl Philip Bray, Newquay:

Second Row: Pte John Robbins, Grampound Road: Pte Henry Solomon, St. Agnes: Pte Donald McBurnie, Padstow: Major J.A. Tresawna, DSO, Probus: Pte Tamblyn Lane, Newquay: Pte Bernard Matthews, St. Mawgon: Pte Puddle Chapman, Lanlivery:

Front Row (L to R): Pte Geoffrey Tremain, Truro: Pte I Crabb, West Looe: Pte John Gardner, Saltash: Cpl Fred Whitford, Truro: Pte Derry Rawlings, Banwell Somerset:

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